BY: Dr. Sabrina Jackson
Everyone in the world right now is forced to deal with a new normal. This new reality has caused most to be A.G.I.T.A.T.E.D.
ALIENATED FROM PEOPLE Since the worldwide pandemic isolation has resulted in not being able to connect with those we love and enjoy spending time with. Even before the pandemic, public-health experts were concerned about an epidemic of loneliness in the U.S. For the 35.7 million Americans who live alone, this means no face-to-face socialization at all for over a year now.
GRIEF AND LOSS According to AAP and Children’s Hospital Association, the number of people loss to the COVID-19 worldwide is a staggering 3.3 million and 582,000 in the U.S. This has resulted in many dealing with grief overload (multiple losses back-to-back).
INSURGENCE Specifically, within the U.S. the attack on the Capital in January 2021, has caused many to feel afraid, angry, and uncertain about our country.
TOXIC HOME RELATIONSHIP Due to people being home around the clock, many are experiencing challenges with those they live with. It has been coined a pandemic within a pandemic, as there has been a surge in domestic violence since the stay-athome order of March 2020.
AFRAID OF ILLNESS AND DEATH There is so much information floating around about the symptoms, vaccines, and such. People are extremely concerned about becoming ill and possibly losing their life.
TRAGIC RACIAL INJUSTICES With the deaths of so many people of color there is a rise in attention to racial injustices around the world. Many in the workplace, are a force to look at diversity, equity, and inclusion. This brings up difficult conversations that must be addressed.
EXHAUSTED WITH HOME LIFE ACTIVITIES People are doing EVERYTHING from home. The parent has now become the in-home teacher making sure the children are in class on Zoom, working from home via virtual setting, and all the other activities of daily living. All this has resulted in major fatigue.
DECLINING PHYSICAL, MENTAL, AND SPIRITUAL HEALTH With the major change in our daily routines, people are seeing a decline in their physical health resulting in poor nutrition and in some instances, weight gain. The mental health of so many have been affected with anxiety, depression, and feelings of uncertainty. Lastly, with houses of worship being shut down, many are not as connected spiritually.
Wow, this is a lot to unpack; however, You Can Protect your Calm! Your calm can mean protecting your peace, maintaining your composure, finding spaces you are satisfied, and remaining cool, calm, and collected no matter what comes your way. In order to do this, you must create routines that promote peace and calm:

SOUNDS THAT CALM: Whispering, a clock ticking, podcasts, audiobooks, radio, tv, mindfulness apps, soothing music, a loved ones’ voice, sound of nature.
SCENTS THAT CALM: Rosemary, lavender, jasmine, vanilla, sea breeze, clary sage, ylang ylang, lemon, cinnamon, sweet marjoram, peppermint, rose and geranium, sweet basil, and vetiver.
There are various ways to make sure these calming scents are a part of your space:
- Diffuse the fragrance.
- Spray the scent around.
- Burn a candle
- Inhale the scent directly
- Put some on your pillow
- Add the scent to your bath
- Apply to your skin. Create a compress.
- Do a body scan (check-in with how you are feeling)
- Wiggle your toes and fingers.
- Yoga, stretching, Tai Chi
- Sleep/Rest
- Smooth/caress your body with a body scrub or warm oils.
- Kissing/Hugging/Adult Activities with your significant other (there are many physical benefits to sex)
- Wrap up in a warm blanket.
- Take a walk.
- Practice deep breathing techniques.
- Berries – great source of antioxidants.
- Spinach, kale, collards, swiss chard – have magnesium which makes you feel calm.
- Oatmeal – gives a steady flow of energy.
- Dark Chocolate – the flavonoids in the cocoa help protect your cells.
- Oysters – contain zinc which is a mineral that helps our bodies deal with stress.
- Oranges – contain Vitamin C which helps calm you and puts you in a better mood.
- Sardines – lots of Omega 3 fatty acids which may help with depression and anxiety.
- Tea – tea leaves have antioxidants which have a calming effect.
- Sauerkraut – has folic acid, Vitamin C, and some B vitamins that help with anxiety.
- Liver – loaded with B vitamins and folic acid that help make brain chemicals that effect the way we feel
Lastly, in guarding your peace, become aware of what you allow in your space. If necessary, get off social media 24/7, turn off the news, and turn off the negative self-talk. You control your calm and YES YOU CAN DO IT!
Dr. Sabrina Jackson is “The People Expert”- Speaker, Coach, Author, TV/Radio Personality, Creator of Essential Colors –,