Command Your Day: How Physical Activity Will Enhance Your Career

Our world has become more and more stressful over the past few years. For us optimists, we see opportunity and positivity in the midst of chaos. We have less control over our environment, so we choose to control the things we can, and let go of things that we can not.

Clearly, your career is paramount in your life, and that’s what likely brought you to Career Mastered Magazine. There are so many other factors that contribute to a successful career that aren’t business-related. Take self- care, for example. We all know the importance of keeping our bodies healthy in order to have enough energy to get our jobs done, care for our families, and be productive in society.

Physical activity can not be stressed enough when it comes to overall health and well-being. Though the current American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines recommend 150 minutes of weekly activity for adults (that’s about 22 minutes per day), up to 1-hour daily may be even more ideal for improving overall fitness.

Since our days can get busy very quickly, intentions for a midday or evening workout can easily be pushed aside by a hovering deadline or family issue. All too often we have the best of intentions to get in a workout, but find that other things seem to take priority. That is a great argument for a morning exercise!

Morning workouts are an excellent way to “Command Your Day” and set the tone for a very productive workday. Benefits of a morning workout include:

  • Wake up with less need for caffeine
  • Better compliance with a workout program
  • More energy throughout the day
  • Boost your metabolism more than evening workouts
  • Help control your weight
  • Improve mental health and mood
  • Help manage blood sugar and insulin levels
  • Reduce Cardiovascular disease risk
  • Improve your sleep
  • Reduce your risk of some cancers and diseases
  • Keep your thinking skills sharp as you age
  • Strengthen bones and muscles

Ways to stay committed to your morning workouts:

  • Establish an earlier bedtime so you aren’t burning the candle at both ends
  • Connect with a partner; studies consistently show that this improves compliance
  • Find a class that is fun and motivating
  • Pay and register in advance so there are penalties for canceling a workout
  • Find a gym either near home or work for convenience
  • If you workout at home, keep it structured – Zoom with a friend, plan it in advance
  • Have a gym bag ready to go in the morning so you can get ready quickly
  • Track your progress by measuring your body, a certain number of push-ups, etc.
  • Use a reward system that motivates you, such as new clothes, shoes, etc.
  • Great music can MAKE a workout!!!

You will achieve a greater sense of “control” when you make the decision to “Command Your Day” by starting with a workout.

There is no greater feeling than finishing a workout that you might not have been very enthusiastic about starting in the first place! The feeling of accomplishment will carry on for hours and improve your entire outlook on life. This level of discipline is certainly one to be mastered by all of us here in the Career Mastered community.

God Bless!

Jody Trierweiler is a Detroit, Michigan Nutrition and Fitness Expert specializing in supplements and weight loss. She works with clients online worldwide. Find her on social media as jodysfitlife and at

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