Signature Women’s Round Table: The Power of Talk

In Dr. Lisa Wicker’s new book, Capacity: Women Shattering the Limits – Now!, she challenges women to take back their power, give themselves permission to win, develop their voice, be true to themselves, and get clear about their personal career vision.

A recurring theme in the book is READINESS. Dr. Wicker describes readiness as a choice. Are you ready? Are you truly ready?

Dear Women: Consider this . . . “Breaking through boundaries requires preparation.”

Did you ever have a moment where you’ve walked away from a conversation and said, “Dang I messed that up.” Oftentimes, we realize after the encounter that we weren’t prepared for one of the most important opportunities that could lift our careers.

Jacinda Jacobs, author, motivational speaker, radio, and TV personality, powerfully guided the lively and informative Career Mastered Signature Women’s Round TableTalk discussions with panelist and attendees Byna Elliott, Head Advancing Black Pathways, J.P. Morgan Chase & Company, Lisa Nichols, CEO, Love Your Niche, LLC., and LaTanya Orr, CEO, Selah Branding & Design, LLC.

Meaningful conversations about “Creating Possibilities for the Future” were the focus of the table talk discussions where summit attendees had the opportunity to engage in compelling and thought-provoking dialogue addressing “The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard”.

During the table talks, women attendees discussed that fair representation of views and opinions should be heard around a conference table.

Attendees were asked, did youknow that 75% of talking during the average business meeting is done by men?

A Brigham Young University and Princeton study showed that at a mixed table – men will dominate the conversation, taking up 75 percent of the conversation.

This means that only 25% of the conversation represents women’s views. Even more, they discussed various situations in which a woman’s voice is not heard in meetings. Preliminary results of research conducted by Partners in Leadership confirm this finding: women still struggle more than men to find their voice in the room.

So, how can women assert themselves, overcoming any fear(s) and projecting confidence in the workplace, at the table, and in the room?

  1. Be aware of your speaking style. How concise is the power of your talk? How you say what you mean is crucial. Directness or indirectness, pacing and pausing, your word choice, and the use of such elements as jokes, figures of speech, stories, questions, and apologies matter. Yes, apologies often come from women and are not always needed.
  2. Practice what you speak. Do you really know what you say? Raise your hand if you have an Elevator Pitch. Ok, great job. Research shows that you have one whether you know  it or not. For example, any time someone says “tell me about yourself,” you drop your elevator pitch. Has it been refined and is it concise?
  3. Call forth Your Personal Brand Authority: Are you being heard? In Dr. Wicker’s book, Capacity: Women Shattering the Limits – Now! she explains the concept of your personal brand authority in detail. You must curate the right moments to heighten your personal brand authority. For example, you’re at one of the most coveted business networking events of the year and are introduced to the one person you’ve hoped to meet for some time. Because you have a plan to integrate your brand authority with your overall brand presence, you’re ready to value-up and amplify the areas of content needed at that moment.
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