Mastering Resilience: How to Embrace Complexity and Thrive in Certain Times

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By: Jasmine Ball 

With record inflation and the global economy projected to slow for the third year in a row—from 2.6% last year to 2.4% in 2024, according to the World Bank’s latest Global Economic Prospects report, there is no better time than now to equip oneself with the skills necessary to emerge as a resilient leader. 

Resilient leaders embody a certain level of poise, optimism, focus, and adaptability through uncertain times. They have the persistence to continue to play full out regardless of what circumstances arise and inturn, they are able to meet altered demands and

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How to Master Resilience as a Leader 

Become a more resilient leader when you embody each of the following qualities. 

Have an indomitable spirit. 

Obstacles are plentiful in life in general, but resilient leaders don’t run away from challenges at all. Instead, they know how to grab life by the horns and face difficulties head-on. They embody an indomitable spirit, which is a quality of not giving up and never wanting to give up. During challenging times, resilient leaders often dig deep to find the strength needed to overcome obstacles, and they don’t let go until the job is done. A mantra resilient leaders may tell themselves is “I can do hard things.” 

Be adaptable. 

Change is inevitable, which is why resilient leaders have the ability to react quickly to change. They demonstrate flexibility and know when to course correct, modify plans, or pivot with the market entirely. Resilient leaders are prepared to be met with a moment of decision. If they make plans, they are wise enough to deal with whatever outcome that plan produces. To ground themselves, they might affirm, “I am confident with my choices.” 

Manage stress. 

Resilient leaders have the psychological wherewithal to cope with stress and hardship. After they are done taking care of business, they don’t neglect looking after their own mental and physical well-being so they can feel relaxed and replenished. Resilient leaders often incorporate daily practices to reduce their stress levels. Some extracurricular activities they may take up might include regular exercise at a gym or mindfulness meditation. They may also block off time for self care like making regular appointments to receive spa services. In other words, they practice self love and are intentional about loving the life they currently live, not the one they intend to live. A mantra worth repeating to manage stress is, “I am calm and at ease.” 

Becoming a resilient leader is achievable. Adopt the mindsets mentioned above and you can equip yourself with a superpower necessary to thrive when faced with times of uncertainty. 

x Jasmine Ball is a wife, mom, award-winning journalist, and founder of BTM Writing Services. Throughout her career, she’s been helping companies all over the world get confidence over their content and grow their businesses. With God at the center, Jasmine’s life mission is to use her gift to connect people to resources that will help them live more informed, inspired, and overall better live

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