By: Jasmine Ball
Just as when seasons change, after a harvest, leaves fall down and whatever remains grows cold or withers away in order to make room for life’s new round of seeds to be planted, watered and sprout. The same can be likened to what takes place in our inner beings. In time, we are challenged to change, adopt different mindsets, build new foundations, and grow into a better, higher version of ourselves year over year.
As I write this, it also happens to be my birthday —a time that much like Spring also calls for a period of reflection, cleansing of the old, and a fresh take at something new.
So dear woman leader, if you’re ready for a new beginning and desiring to sprout a happier, more colorful, resilient version of yourself, here is my letter to you with steps to do just that. Because no matter where you are in life, no matter how difficult the circumstances are surrounding you, you can be like the rose that grew from the concrete; and now is your (our) time to bloom!
Before any type of growth can take place, one must take an assessment of where you are physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, relationally, and financially —- or whatever area it is you’re wanting to change.
Whip out a journal and document how you’re feeling about wherever you are, and then write down where you desire to be and how you desire to feel about it. There’s a painting on my bookshelf that reads, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you’re heading”. When you access where you are, you can then put together a proper plan to get to where you actually want to be.
In gardening, seeds have to be planted in fertile soil, and the conditions of the environment need to align towards growth as well. If you are in environments that aren’t edifying, you risk crippling your own growth or producing “bad” fruit.
In order to start a new chapter and bloom into all you can be this year, check your foundation to make sure you are in spaces that are encouraging and don’t weigh you down with negativity. LET GO OF THE OLD, COMPLETELY
Becoming a newer, better, more colorful and resilient version of yourself requires a conscious, daily commitment. It’s okay if you fall short and don’t rise up to the new version of who you want to be at every waking moment. Transformation takes time. What’s important is first deciding who you want to become, and then chipping away at the old by locking in the new you daily. This can be done by taking small action steps that are in alignment with what your new identity will say or do. That’s how you truly let go of the old and emerge as someone new.
So whether your goal is to be louder or have a more bold presence at work or in life, you now have the tools to do so. You are already “her”. Trust that going forward, you will be shown what it is you need to say, how it is you need to be, and what you need to do no matter what. Then do it with poise and grace because you are the rose that grew from the concrete; and now is your time to bloom!
x Jasmine Ball is a wife, mom, award-winning journalist, and founder of BTM Writing Services –a writing firm based out of TN designed to help companies all over the world get confidence over their content and grow their businesses. Even when she’s “out of the office”, you will probably find Jasmine living out her life mission to connect people to resources that will help them live more informed, inspired, and overall better lives. Follow @ jasminethewriter on LinkedIn or Instagram.