Boss-Up! Your 2021 Career Guide

BY: Evelyn Summerville

One of the most liberating truths I embraced in life is my career. I own it. Therefore, I chart the course to determine its direction and accept responsibility for getting ahead. Armed with this truth, I realized that as important as a job is grasping the bigger picture of my career held greater value for me. I believe the same is true for you.

You are your boss. You may have a manager that assigns your projects and sets performance goals. Maybe it’s a board of directors. You may even call that person your boss. But at the end of the day, the real ownership of your career is … yours.

That’s why it’s important for you to live your life with purpose and intention. It would be a mistake to relinquish this power to anyone else. Especially if you are aiming for true life fulfillment. You are emboldened to decide your goals and determine the appropriate steps to achieve them. Yes, you!

As we prepare for 2021, it’s important to have a plan to reach your next career level. I’m sharing three strategies that have been instrumental in my life and invaluable for many successful career women.


Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, surround yourself with wise counsel. It’s great advice. You’ll invariably face uncertain and precarious challenges throughout your career. That’s when having someone as your personal cheerleader and sounding board is a tremendous asset.

A mentor, is typically more experienced than you, and offers life lessons as teaching moments. Having traveled the road you’re currently navigating, a mentor pushes you to look beyond the surface of what’s happening, shift your perspective and see multiple opportunities rather than roadblocks. A mentor inspires you to forge ahead with confidence. Most of all, a mentor believes in you, sees your value and reminds you of your awesomeness.


If you believe your job is your career, you’re thinking too small and limiting yourself. Real talk … your job may be a tiny portion of your career. Don’t you know someone who left a job after a few months? Jobs can be for the moment; a career is professional journey that spans many years of your life. Survey and embrace your knowledge, talents, skills and passions. Think of new ways you can leverage these assets while increasing your earning potential. You may have a business in you that’s waiting to be launched. For some, this may initially be a side hustle. For others, including those in transition or recently laid off, starting a business may be your sole focus.

According to the annual State of WomenOwned Businesses Report, commissioned by American Express, women represent 42% of all business owners in the United States. That’s nearly 13 million businesses generating $1.9 trillion in revenues. If this doesn’t spark your interest, I’m not sure what will. Women are bossing up every day launching and leading thriving businesses. You can too.


My mentor once told me that “your network determines your net worth.” Bottom line, it takes a team to win at work and in life. When building networks include those at your company as well as those in professional and community organizations. Make wise choices about which organizations you join. Position yourself to contribute as a committee member or an elected officer being careful not to over commit yourself. Remember to devote time to getting to know the individuals in your network. That’s how they get to know you and understand your value. There’s no denying that one-on-one meetings strengthen relationships. Make a plan to connect with people in your network at least once a quarter. This is how you network like a boss.

Source: Jones, Patrick. “Woman-Owned Businesses Are Growing 2X Faster On Average Than All Businesses Nationwide.” About.Americanexpress.Com, 23 Sept. 2019, Accessed 19 Oct. 2020.

Evelyn Summerville is a leadership & lifestyle coach. She harnesses the experiences and lessons learned during her time as Director of Marketing Research & Analysis for a Fortune 500 firm to support leaders in fast tracking their success. In doing so, Evelyn empowers people to live and lead with purpose, passion and excellence.

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